  • 字級大小


image發表著作 Publications


  • Book & Book Chapters:
  1. 陳玉珍,「探索全英語授課之跨學科學習成果-以文藻外語大學國際事務系為例」。閻國華、賈文鍵(主編),《中華情懷、國際視野與當代外語教育》。北京:外語教學與研究出版社,2021 12 月。頁 402-421 (ISBN978-7-5213-3183-7)
  2. YuJane Chen (2016), “Economic Concerns with Regard to Cross-strait Migration,”, Samuel C Y Ku and Kristina Kironska (eds.), in Migration in East and Southeast Asia, Singapore: World Scientific, pp.69-98 (Ch.4). (ISBN978-981-3141-66-7)
  3. 張競、陳玉珍,《國際會展管理實務》。台北:雙葉書廊,民 103 4 版。 (ISBN9789866018794)


  • Journal Articles:
  1. YuJane Chen (2016), "Asia-Pacific Regional Economic Integration: Cooperation vs. Conflict", Contemporary Chinese Political Economy and Strategic Relations, 2:1, April 2016, pp. 141-171.
  2. 張競、陳玉珍 (2013)Re-examining the US ‘Six Assurances’ to Taiwan”,《海軍軍官(季刊)》,32:3,頁80-97


  • Conference Papers:
  1. 陳玉珍 (2021),〈外語教學與大學社會責任-外語大學教師的觀點〉,第十七屆海峽兩岸外語教學研討會,文藻外語大學,高雄市,2021/10/28-29。
  2. 陳玉珍 (2019),〈探索全英語授課之跨學科學習成果-以文藻外語大學國際事務系為例〉,第十六屆海峽兩岸外語教學研討會,北京外國語大學,北京市,2019/10/24-27。
  3. 陳玉珍 (2019),〈我國對新南向政策目標國以政府開發協助(ODA)模式推動海外公共工程之初探〉(A Preliminary Study on Applying the Government Development Assistance (ODA) Model to New Southbound Policy Targeted Countries),第十二屆城市學學術研討會,高雄空中大學,高雄市,2019/06/16。
  4. 陳玉珍 (2019),〈學生國際體驗學習課程運作與學習成效探討-以「新南向發展戰略探討」課程為例〉(The Operation and Efficacy of International Experential Learning Curriculum: Using "Study on the Strategy for New South Bound Development" as An Example),文藻2019多元升等教學實踐暨技術應用報告研討會,文藻外語大學,高雄市,2019/06/14。
  5. 陳玉珍 (2018/06/09),〈抗衡、配合、合作:面對『一帶一路』『新南向政策』的作為〉,第十一屆城市學學術研討會,高雄空中大學,高雄市,2018/06/09。
  6. 陳玉珍 (2017),〈軍事專業與國際觀〉。「迎向海洋築夢啟航」學術研討會論文集,頁45-58,海軍軍官學校,高雄,2017/11/09。
  7. YuJane Chen (2017), "兩岸經貿之競合探討", 2017 International Conference on Global Cooperation Strategy: Interdisciplinary, January 7, 2017, Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages, Kaohsiung, Taiwan,
  8. 陳玉珍 (2016),〈結合文創產業振興中華文化〉,中華文化論壇,會議論文集,頁199-205,北京大學,北京,2015/11/21-23。
  9. YuJane Chen (2016). "The Strategic Implication of China's Global Economic Statecraft", 2016 Sizihwan International Conference on Asia-Pacific Studies: "Norms and Institutions in the Asia-Pacific" Competing Dynamics in Asia-Pacific, Nov. 10-12, 2016, NSYSU, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
  10. YuJane Chen (2015), "The Asia-Pacific Regional Economic Integration: Cooperation vs. Conflict", 2015 Sizihwan International Conferece on Asia-Pacific Sudies: "Identity and Integration" Competing Dynamics in Asia-Pacific, Nov. 12-14, 2015, NSYSU, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
  11. 陳玉珍 (2015),〈一帶一路建設與人民幣國際化〉,地緣政治與合作發展"一帶一路"開放新格局國際研討會,山東大學亞太所、韓國昌原大學社會科學研究所、山東省東亞研究所,山東省濟南市,2015/10/17。
  12. Chen YuJane (2014), "Economic Concern of the Cross-Strait Migration", The 2014 International Conference on Asia-Pacific Studies: Migration and Transformation in the Asia-Pacific, Nov. 13-15, 2014, NSYSU, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
  13. 陳玉珍 (2014),「羈絆兩岸經貿關係之政治迷思」,《第五屆兩岸關係澳門論壇》,兩岸與澳台關係學會、澳門理工學院,澳門,2014年11月3-6日。
  14. 陳玉珍 (2014),「兩岸交流合作實踐與制度之辨證」,《兩岸關係和平發展制度化學術研討會》,兩岸關係和平發展協同創新中心、廈門大學台灣研究中心、廈門大學台灣研究院,中國福建省廈門市,2014年9月21-24日。
  15. 陳玉珍 (2014),「獲經濟整合之利去政治收編之懼」,《第二十三屆海峽兩岸關係學術研討會》,全國台灣研究會、中華全國台灣同胞聯誼會、中華社會科學院台灣研究所,中國青海省西寧市,2014年7月21-25日。
  16. Chen, YuJane (2013), "Social Networkd - Another Battle Field for Exercising Soft Power", The 2013 International Conference on Asia-Pacific Studies, Nov. 7-9, 2013, NSYSU, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
  17. Chang, Ching and YuJane Chen (2012), "Re-examining the US 'Six Assurances' to Taiwan", 2012 APSA Annual Meeting and Exhibition, New Orleans (USA), Aug. 30 - Sep. 2, 2012.
  18. Chen, YuJane (2011), "The Role of Government in Fostering Global City", 2011 U-6 Forum, University fo St, Thomas, Houston, USA, 13-14 October 2011.
  19. Chen, YuJane (2010), "Economic Strength as Strong Soft Power: Does China Bound to Lead?", 2010 RCIA International Symposium on Culture and Political Economy: New Perspectives, Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages, Kaohsiung (ROC), 17-18 September 2010.
  20. Wu, Li-Ying and YuJane Chen (2009), "An Explorationg of Creating Cultural Economy - A Case Study of Matzo Pilgrimage in Taiwan and Across the Taiwan Strait", U3 Forum 2009, Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages, Kaohsiung (ROC), 17 October, 2009.
  21. Chen, YuJane (2009_, "Taipei-Beijing Interaction Under the WTO Framework: A Review", Taipei, Beijing, and the Overseas Chinese/Compatriots in the Context of International/Gloval Governance, Regimes, and Globalization, Ming Chuan University, Taipei (ROC), 14-15 March 2009.


image個人獲獎 Honors and Awards


  1. 110學年度產官學合作傑出獎 (2021 AY Academia-Industry Cooperation Excellence Award)
  2. 109學年度從事教學工作屆滿 15 年大勇獎 (2020AY “Great Bravery Award” for those who have been teaching for 15 years)
  3. 107年度私立教育事業協會模範教師 (2018 Model Teacher Award, The Republic of China Private Education Association)
  4. 107學年度文藻外語大學教學優良教師獎 (2018 AY Distinguished Teaching Award, Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages)
  5. 107年度文藻外語大學彈性薪資獎勵 (2018 Flexible Salary Award for Teaching Excellence Talents)
  6. 指導五專部英文科學生參加「2015國際院校會展城市行銷競賽」,獲得中文行銷簡報獎第二名、英文行銷簡報獎第二名、解說接待獎第三名。(2015/09/25)
  7. 104年度私立教育事業協會模範教師 (2015 Model Teacher Award, The Republic of China Private Education Association)
  8. 103年度私立教育事業協會模範教師 (2014 Distinguished Teaching Award , The Republic of China Private Education Association)
  9. 102學年度文藻外語大學教學優良教師獎 (2013 Distinguished Teaching Award, Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages)
  10. 指導文藻外語學院國際事務系學會獲得102年全國大專校院社團評選「技專校院組自治性、綜合性」特優獎
  11. 100年度私立教育事業協會模範教師 (2011 Model Teacher Award, The Republic of China Private Education Association)



image證照/執照 Certications/License


  1. Certificate in EMI Skills (Cambridge English Language Assessment)
  2. Entrepreneurship and Small Business (CERTIPORT)
  3. CPM策展專案管理師(甲級證照/ CPM-T122060042)
  4. CMM策展行銷企劃師(甲級證照/ CMM-T122070041)
  5. DCMM數位策展行銷企劃師(甲級證照/ CPM-T122080042)
  6. FCP節慶活動策展企劃師(甲級證照/CPM-T122090045)
  7. 領隊導遊專業英文管理師(專業級/甲級證照) (Professional English Tour Leader Manager, Class A)
  8. 觀光餐旅專業英文管理師(專業級/甲級證照) (Tourism and Hospitality Professional English Manager, Class A)
  9. 會議展覽專業英文管理師(專業級/甲級證照) (Conference and Exhibition Professional English Manager, Class A)
  10. 商業英文管理師(專業級/甲級證照) (Business English Manager, Class A)
  11. 國貿業務乙級技術士證 (Qualification Examination of Class B Skill Category of International Trade Management)
  12. 外語導遊人員考試及格(英語) (Tourist guide of general examination, English Language)
  13. 外語領隊人員考試及格(英語) (Tourist leader of general examination, English Language)
  14. 會議展覽專業人員初階認證及格證書 (Certification in MICE Professional)
  15. 國際貿易大會考合格 (International Trade Certification Examination)
  16. 客語能力認證考試合格證書-中高級 (Certificate of Hakka Proficiency Test, passed mid-high level)